Advent Meditation IV

a black black rose

(an ecstatic rhapsody of  mary, creatrix and mediatrix)

“…Henceforth charity, without losing any of its compassion, will attain its full meaning….”

                                                -Teillard de Chardin

dark am i

yet lovely

children of old jerusalem

as tents of nubian jasmine

darker than the tombs of pharohs

res miranda

behold you look upon a wonder

more illusive than quicksilver my love is still

crossing over all are transfigured


do you dare stare upon me just because i am dark

my darkness burns more radiantly through time

even before israel other prophets prepared my way

my innocence cannot be violated nor my mystery unveiled

res miranda

behold you look into a mirror

more illusive than quicksilver my love is still

crossing over all are mortified


i am always surrendering my profession to you today

as you worship yours become the eyes haunting the fearful

for all those seeking refuge in yesterday and tomorrow

the moment of freedom

my unfallen sons and daughters

is this fugitive moment

nunc temporis fluens

res miranda

behold you look upon mystery

more illusive than quicksilver my love is still

crossing over all is crucified


just now my immaculate heart floods the abyss

drowning all who resist the way within the way

sorrow within bliss becoming bliss beyond sorrow

numinous gems

secret incantations

forbidden fruits

unfulfilled dreams

res miranda

behold you see me just as i am

more illusive than quicksilver my love is still

crossing over all are consecrated



my heart unquenchable

my love  always unrequitable

sacrificing my virginity

innocence redeeming all creatures

as i am in all creatures all creatures are in me

the uncreated reincarnating in each becoming all

darker than coal

i am the flame of mercy

the refining fire

licking all hearts wounded by love

a diamond

at the heart of a black black rose

res miranda

behold watching over you i am

more illusive than qucksilver my love is still

crossing over all are transformed


i am darker still

ever more lovely

progeny of new jerusalem

than the tents of rahab

darker than the robes of solomon

as my heart is always already yours

so your love is already always mine

drifting within the seamless canopy beyond the stars

forever and always my compassion is carrying you home

res miranda





mark emmanuel christopher valentine

(© october 25, 2005)

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15 Responses to Advent Meditation IV

  1. Pingback: Thursday Poets Rally Week 32 (November 4-10) | Jingle

  2. ScottlB says:

    Nice even flow very nice write


  3. Jingle says:

    creative thoughts.
    beautiful poem.
    keep it up.


  4. dark and interesting!


  5. dan says:

    Full of imagery and deep meanings. I like the way this poems flows. Thanks for sharing.


  6. ogungbesan20 says:



  7. abichica says:

    your writing intrigues me.. It flows perfectly yet still leaves much to the mind.. 🙂


    • …poetry is the wisdom of the hart whsipering to the curiosity of the… it brings us into harmony without our higher self and manisfests as compassion in the world…further up & further in…^^~~~~~


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